Sunday, August 23, 2009

Air Show >>>>>

Over the weekend my family was invited to an air show over at my brother-in-laws house. I just want to thank him and his girlfriend for inviting us. We had an awesome time!
The air show happens every other year. It's so nice because my brother-in-law lives so close to the air base that we're able to get a great view of all the planes. The public was able to go inside the air base for that weekend. But we are lucky to know someone who lives so close to the airbase. So we lucked out.
I thought that it would be cool to take video of the planes. So I took a lot and only a few photos. I'm still going to post the videos even though I didn't like how the color on them turned out. The videos had a purplish tint to it for some reason. It was an over cast day so I don't know what was up with that.
A lot of the planes flew right over us. So it was nearly impossible to get a picture. So the few that I did manage to get, I just lucked out!
The ground would vibrate as the planes flew over. And boy, was it rip roaring loud! It was just awesome. The video clip does not do wonders of what it was really like to be there in person. It was something spectacular to see! I just wish you all could have been there to see it. But I'll do my best to bring it to you. I forget what the names of the planes were. I was just enjoying the show!
Here we go...........hang on!!!!! We're taking off! We'll be leaving Peek-A-Boo Street for a brief moment.

I hope you liked this little piece of the air show I sent to your way. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.
I'm signing off.........from Peek-A-Boo Street!


  1. air shows are wild! Hey..I saw in your last post that you, too, are going to start sewing again! Cool...I just have to get a new machine..I've got the bug and have been trying out a couple of machines!

  2. Glad to hear you enjoyed the air show. The pictures weren't bad at all. Have a great evening. Madeline

  3. This was great! Wonderful photos/videos!
    And wonderful music!
    I loved 'Top Gun' and after the movie we had to run right out and buy the music!
    Great post! I enjoyed it a lot!
    All the best,

  4. To fly one of those planes at those speeds and so close must be amazing:)
    We use to go to the show in San Francisco every year and it was thrilling. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Howdy Anne
    Oh wow this was truly awesome.
    Thank you so much for sharing such a delightful blessing with us today.
    What a wonderful time .
    Have an amazing week .
    Happy hugs to you and yours.
    your bloggiang friend
    from Texas
    Happy Trails

  6. Hi Anne, Thanks for sharing the air show videos. There is a big show here in Dayton every June. When we lived close to the airport we could see the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds practice their maneuvers prior to the show. Then the actual act was just amazing, and, as you said, very loud!! Have a good week and thanks for stopping by.
    :-) Sue

  7. Hi Anne,
    Its so nice to meet another michigan blogger!
    I am glad you stopped by my blog!

    Was that the selfridge air show?
    We have been there a few times when we lived down state!


  8. Hi Anne....

    Ooooooooooooohhh! I got goose bumps just looking at the pictures. My parents were air show junkies, so we went to many when I was a kid. It's another one of those patriotic things that will make me cry....Don't they do a fabulous job?

    I'm so glad you got to go....and be so close!

    Have a wonderful week.... :-)


    PS....Did you know we have a famous ski star, from Washington State, named Peekaboo Street? I think of her every time I see your blog!

  9. Anonymous8/24/2009

    These were fantastic videos and pictures Anne! It was such an awesome party wasn't it? I am steel reeling from the wonderful time I had.

  10. Air shows are a lot of fun! We've been to them here at Tinker AFB. Thanks for stopping by my blog again!


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne