Sunday, November 16, 2008

*~*~ Sunday Snowfall ~*~*

For all my bloggy viewers out there. I thought I'd share with you our little snowy Sunday in my neck of the woods...


  1. Anonymous11/16/2008

    Wow!! that was sure pretty but I'm glad it's your neck of the woods and not mine :)
    Loved the music/song.

  2. Anonymous11/16/2008

    I love how you did that video. I can't believe how hard that snow was coming down. And this is only November! Oh no, I think we might get more snow :>)

  3. Anonymous11/16/2008

    LOL I came back to check out the music and noticed that the turkey looks like he's dancing to it :)

  4. how pretty! wish it would snow here!

  5. LOL that song you have on here is quite hilarious!! I love it! yeah I can't believe the snow we got today. Hope you had a nice relaxing day!


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne