Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

Good Morning. My husband and I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year so we thought that we would like to have our tree up and decorated for our guests. I'm not going to do the Christmas decorations till the weekend after Thanksgiving though, because it is Thanksgiving.
So I asked my hubby to take the tree out of storage and to take it outside and give it a good shake from the dust, years prior. Well without much complaint he did that for me. Well he brought the tree in and turned it on and a couple strands of lights had went out. It is one of those pre-lit trees that I just LOVE!!!! Your probably wondering why I don't get a real tree being from Michigan but we have had real trees in the past...and boy do I ever have stories to tell you about them but today I have to hurry and get my posting done because well...I have to get to my housework!! Yuck!! But the reason I do like to use my artificial tree is because I like to put my Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love Christmas trees and I just want to enjoy it for a nice full month. After all, Christmas comes just once a year.
So dear hubby wasn't to pleased to see that the lights weren't working after he dusted the darn thing off outside in the cold. So what does dear hubby suggest? The Christmas tree was only $100 about five years ago at Sears. So instead of buying and adding more lights to the darn thing, he suggested that we just go out and buy a new pre-lit tree. So he went up to Lowe's and got another pre-lit tree for $103. Well he took it out of the box and set it all up and the bottom lights didn't work. So what did my dear poor hubby do? The wonderful hubby that he is...he packed the new tree back up and headed back up to Lowe's to exchange it. No he wasn't to happy...and I'll admit.. there was "some" swearing involved but he did take it back. My poor hubby.
So here our Christmas tree sits this morning. It kind of looks like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree with all of it's branches askew and bent every which way. So this weekend I'm going to fix it all up and decorate it. I don't know if I ever put up my tree this early but like I said, I wanted it up for my guests to enjoy. But I promise you that I will post the finished tree when it is all done and decorated for you to see. Have a wonderful day! Signing off...from Peek-A-Boo Street!


  1. i always have the worst time with my lights too! we don't decorate until the first week of December because my son's birthday is the last day of November and he would get mad if we thought about Christmas before his birthday lol can't wait to see the finished tree! =)

  2. Those lights ARE a pain in the you-know-what!! I'm sure it'll be beautiful when you're done!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Anonymous11/18/2008

    I gave up on real trees when my kids all grew up.. we now have a 3 foot fiber optic tree and I have tiny ornaments that I put on it.. I'll not be putting it up till December.. not that I don't like it, I'm just lazy ;)

  4. I like your Xmas tree! Yeah those lights can be a hassle thats for sure. Have fun decorating it!!

  5. Anonymous11/19/2008

    Oh this was so funny. Poor Mike! I can't wait to see your tree. It's always so beautiful. By the way, you have been tagged! Come over to my place for all the details.


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Peace & Love, Anne