Oh Thank you Mom http://charliandme.blogspot.com/ for this Book Worm Award! How sweet of you to think of me even though I'm not much of an avid reader but for some reason I have been reading lately. Thank goodness you caught me when I actually do have a book close by!
So the rules to this award is that you open a book closest to you. Not your favorite or the most intellectual book, but the one closet to you at the moment. I guess it doesn't even have to be one that your reading right now. The rules doesn't say it has to be. Then your suppose to turn to page 56 and write the fifth sentence from the top. And from there your to write two to five sentences. Then your suppose to pass this award on to five of your bloggy friends.
One of my bloggy friends tells me that she http://poshandtrendy.blogspot.com/ always has a book that she is reading so I'm passing this award along to her. As for my other bloggy friends, if you to would like to pick up this award you are most welcome. Just leave me a comment so that I can visit your blog.
I am a slow reader and I am still reading Amazing Grace by Danielle Steel. It's pretty good so far. So hold on. Let me find page 56...ok...
He jotted down her address and told her he'd send prints of the photographs to her. He asked her for her phone number, in case he ever came back to the city. "If I do,, I'll take you to dinner," he promised. "I had a nice time talking to you."
Does he meet up with her again your wondering? Well you just have to read the book! Have a nice day!
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