Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Soul's Day

Today in the Catholic church we celebrate All Soul's Day. Some people even call it the Day of the Dead. In the Catholic church we remember all of our friends and family who have died before us and still might need our prayers for their souls to be released from purgatory and into heaven with our Lord for all eternity.
All Soul's Day purposely follows All Saint's Day (which was yesterday Nov. 1) in order to move the focus from those in Heaven to those in purgatory.
In Mexico they celebrate Hallow's Eve, All Saints Day and All Soul's Day with festivities. They call these three days, The Days of the Dead.
In the Catholic church they keep out a book all month for the parishioners to sign there beloved friends and loved ones who passed away. This is called, Book of the Names of the Dead. At the end of the month the priest will take that book and pray for all those souls listed in that book for their souls to be released from purgatory and into Heaven to be with our Heavenly Father for all eternity. In turn those souls that you prayed for will pray before the Lord to help you when 'we' find ourselves in purgatory so that our souls can also join them in Heaven. God knows I need all the help I can get! That is why I always keep the Pour Souls in Purgatory in my prayers and have a strong devotion to them. Plus I'm doing my little part in helping them because God would want us to.
I've been a Catholic since 1999. So if I'm wrong with any of this please feel free to correct me. I'm still learning. I think I will be learning about my Catholic religion for the rest of my life. Just when I think I know it all, God lets me know, I don't!
In fact I read and learned something new today. On All Soul's Day people can go inside a church and say six Our Father prayers, six Hail Mary prayers and six Glory Be prayers with the intentions of the Pope. You will receive a plenary indulgence for a soul in purgatory. You can repeat this by leaving the church and re-entering and saying the same thing over again for another soul. I never heard of this practice by catholics. By the way I did do this for 'a' soul today in church.
When I was going through the R.C.I.A. they told us that we should pray for the Pour Souls in Purgatory during the whole month of November. This is the prayer they gave me. I always recite it daily during the month of November. It's not to lengthy. Here it is;

Immortal God, holy Lord, Father
and Protector of all You have created,
we raise our hearts to You today
for those who have passed out of this mortal life.

In your loving mercy, Father of all,
be pleased to receive them in Your
heavenly company, and forgive the
failing and faults they may have
done from human frailty.

For all the faithful who have died
we pray, but in particular for those
dear to us, parents, relatives and
friends. Nor do we forget all who
did good to us while on earth, who
helped us by their prayer, sacrifice
and example. We pray also for
any who may have done us harm, and
stand in special need of Your forgiveness.

May You, Lord Jesus Christ, welcome
all those for whom I pray into
eternal life.

Our Father (prayer), Hail Mary(prayer), Glory Be (prayer)
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon
them. 3X (repeat 3 times)

May the souls of the faithful
departed, through the mercy of God,
rest in peace. Amen

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11/08/2008

    That is really interesting. I didn't know some of that either. Thanks for sharing.


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Peace & Love, Anne