Well if your getting settled in for an action packed western full of gun slingers on an action adventure, then this movie isn't for you. The title of this movie is exactly what it is about. Jesse James assassination and that is it. I found this movie to be boring. The movie did manage to put in a train robbery at the beginning and that is pretty much it for billy-bad-ass Jesse James in this tale.
On a good note, the acting was superb! Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck really did a fine job especially Casey Affleck. I believed Casey Affleck played a tough part. He also made his part look believable.
Over all, it was an OK movie. There were times when it was getting drug out and boring. Did you see this movie? Did you like it? Leave a comment and let me know.
Never saw it but I have read a book about it and it was interesting. LOL I live not too far from the cave he used for a hid out.