Thursday, July 22, 2010


Just dropping in and hoping that you all are enjoying a very splendid summer day. It's an overcast day here on Peek-A-Boo Street. So I think I'll take my tea outside and catch up on some of my summer reading. It's nice and peaceful out here. I hear my son swimming in the background and the birds are chirping and I have my sweet little miniature schnauzer, Peeper laying beside me under the table. What a beautiful day. I hope your day is just as easy going as mine is.
Peace & Love, Anne


  1. Hope you enjoyed your day with your tea and book. Madeline

  2. Anonymous7/25/2010

    Your little tea tray looks so inviting. I love that bell. I also love the tablecloth. sooo pretty!!!!


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne