Monday, April 19, 2010

Celebrate Good Times...C'mon !

Celebrate good times, c'mon! And indeed, we will be celebrating big time! My second born son will be graduating from high school this June. And the party is going to be right here in my own back yard, here on Peek-A-Boo Street! Have you seen my countdown on my sidebar?

I know it seems a bit early, but with such a huge event coming, you can never plan for such a party to early. I only have 9 more weeks till the party on June 19. In fact, why don't I just extend an invitation out to all of you now to come join us! C'mon! It'll be fun! And I'd love to meet all of my blogging friends. Wouldn't that be fun? But really there is so much to do.
Today I started doing some shopping for the decorations. No, the pictures below were not taken from the store either. That's my dining table downstairs! But as you can see. I think I got pretty much all of the decorations covered. His school colors are maroon and white.
We got balloons, signs, ribbons, beads, confetti, flags, etc., etc...

Did you notice that t-shirt above. It reads, "Having no class, isn't always a bad thing." I just loved that so of course I had to get it. I hope my son will wear it. But I think he will.
I started my guest list. So far, we got about 50 people. And I have to get going on the invitations to. They have to sent out in early May.
I told you last year when my youngest son made his First Holy Communion and then the very next day, my daughter gave birth to my second grandchild, that we do things with a bang around here! I don't know if I can top that off this year but my youngest son will be having his birthday pool party will a bunch of his friends the very next weekend after the graduation bash! The following weekend will be already the fourth of July weekend. The weekend before the graduation bash will be my sons graduation commencements. I don't know how to prepare for that. Will I cry? But anyway, yeah, there will be about four weeks of back to back partying around here on Peek-A-Boo Street! Just giving you all a little heads up, if you don't see me posting for awhile after that, you'll know why! I'll be enjoying my summer break!
Now I just have to convince my hubby when he walks through the door that this stuff is very much needed and not junk, lol! That husband of mine, I'll tell ya. Na. I'm just teasing, he's the sweetest and the best!
With all of that said, I guess I'll be singing off now.
I'm signing off..........from Peek-A-Boo Street!


  1. Anonymous4/19/2010

    I am so excited!!!!! I can't wait. I love all of the things you purchased and especially the shirt :>)

  2. How exciting! Take LOTS and LOTS of pictures so we can see!!


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne