Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh Not You Again

Well, well, well. When I seen that Mr. Rabbit hopped back onto Peek-A-Boo Street again, I just had to come out of hiding.Why does he keep having to land his furry little cotton tail onto my blog every spring? Last year Mr. Rabbit just had to keep making nasty remarks about my blog. Like telling everyone in blogville here that my blog needed a good dusting up! Can you believe it? That little....Rabbit. I swear. Well just between you and I, I had a funny feeling that Mr. Rabbit might return. And return he did. So I knew I had to get to my spring cleaning done early.
Hey Mr. Rabbit! Your lucky your entrance was a nice one this year or you'd be going bye-bye! Why don't you just go hop along onto someone elses blog. As you can see, I have a whole list of my favorite blogs on my blog roll. Go pay them a visit why don't ya!
I'm signing off........from Peek-A-Boo Street!.....

Oh geez you scared the heck out of me!!!! How did you jump into my post?!

(Wouldn't you like to know Lady. He-he-he. I'm so glad to be back.)


  1. Welcome, I have missed you. Mr Bunny hopped right over to let me know you had arrived with the Spring. Stella

  2. Anonymous3/10/2010

    LOL This is so cute! I love the new springy look of your blog. It's so pretty ♥ Happy spring!!!
    Oh no, I hope that rabbit doesn't hop over here. He will eat the tips off of my flowers as soon as they bloom.

  3. Welcome back Anne! I've missed you ♥


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne