Thursday, June 4, 2009

One Scoop or Two?


I scream,

You scream,

We all scream,

For ice cream!


Do you all remember that?

Yesterday I made these cupcake ice cream cones. I almost always make them around this time of year. My son and I brought them in for his classroom today for an end of the school year treat. And they are as yummy as they look!

The ones I took to my son's school looked a little better than this. I just whipped these up this morning to give you an idea of what they look like. There were some left over. Mmmm, lucky us!
Where did I get this cute idea? Well I had this next door neighbor when I was a child who loved to bake. And when there was a little cake batter left, she would pour the left over batter into ice cream cones and then pop em' into the "new microwaves" back in the day. They were huge microwaves back then. Then she would serve us kids these cupcake ice cream cone treats. But she didn't put any frosting on top. But I tell you, they were just as tasty!
So with your fresh brewed tea from the post below, now grab yourself a cupcake ice cream cone! One for you, one for me. friendship!
I'm wishing all of my friends a spectacular day!
I'm signing off.......from Peek-A-Boo Street!


  1. Anonymous6/04/2009

    Thank you for all your comments! I feel so loved.

    Now I have a craving for cupcake ice cream cones.

    I wonder if you could put brownies in them?

  2. These were soooo delicious! Thanks for bringing some over for us. =)

  3. Anonymous6/04/2009

    These are sooo cute! I know first hand how delicious they are too. I remember the time you made them for me and Tommy. Anne you are such a good mother to make these for Ryan's class in school. He will remember all the wonderful things you do for him, just like Michael, and Jessica do. I love you ♥

  4. What a cute idea. You really are a wonderful mother. I know Ryan's class enjoyed them. Thank you for your visit to my last post. Have a great day Anne. Madeline

  5. Thank you Anne!

    You are not only a good mom, but a very thoughtful friend too!


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne