I've heard from my new bloggy friend Bernie at http://bernie-onmyown.blogspot.com/ that Blogger is having a problems. I'm glad that Bernie posted about this issue on her blog because I thought it was my computer. Apparently when you go to visit some of your bloggy pals' blogs, a box will appear and say 'Operation Aborted' and then kick your butt off the blog. Leaving us bloggers not able to visit their favorite blogs, to leave comments, and so forth. This has happened to me even while trying to get onto my own blog. Apparently Blogger knows about this glitch and is trying to fix it. This has been happening to me also. Blogger better hurry up and fix this problem. Us blogger's have some blogging to do, lol! Have a great day!
I was begining to wonder if my computer was going to crash again. I tried all day yesterday to get to your blog and like you said that box would come up everytime. So glad I was able to get to you today. Thank you for visting my blog and your nice comment. Have a great day. Hope they get the problem fixed soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know about this problem. I thought my computer caught the virus we had last week LOL