Friday, February 20, 2009

Winter Break

Well the kids have been home this week for their winter break from school. And it has been a nice and relaxing week. The kids and I got to sleep in every morning so we're feeling nice and rested. I still got some work done but things have been going at a slower rate this week which is nice for a change.
My son who is in second grade has had an enormous amount of homework to do this year. Plus he has chatacism to prepare him for his First Holy Communion. And the school year is not over yet. I won't list all the things that are required of him but trust me, I raised two children through my neighborhoods school district with my second grader being the third, and the expectations for a second grader is just over whelming for me, let alone my son. And I'm a stay at home mom and I am struggling to keep up with all of the work that is required of a second grader. It just makes my sad that second graders are being pushed so much like this. My son is only seven, he wants to play and be a kid. He don't want to come home and do two hours of homework.
Now with his chatacism the pressure is on there because his First Holy Communion is coming up in May. There will be six meeting for six weeks in a row during Lent. Plus...two works shops on Saturdays from 2-5 pm.
So this week off has been really nice for my son. He got to play, play and play and watch movies and do what he wanted to do. But we still managed to get in two booklets of papers to study for his test, on the day he returns to school. Oh did I mention his chapter book report! Yes he's seven and he had to read his first chapter book along with a book report! It's so ridiculous. It will be a miracle if we make it through this school year!
I hope that you all had a nice week!


  1. Anonymous2/20/2009

    I'm totally against homework.. I feel that's what we're paying the teachers for. When a kid gets home he should have nothing to do but his chores and play time.. I had more fights with teachers over that.. my youngest daughter would bring home enough work to take up her whole night.. not fair at all.

  2. Thank you Pat for that nice comment. It made me feel better. =)I 100% agree with you.
    I feel like what's coming home for homework the 'teach' should have got done in her classroom.

  3. Anonymous2/20/2009

    I agree . What happened to school being done during school and the afternoon being a time for family. poor children are pushed to hard at such yound ages and then we wonder why can't they just be kids.

  4. I agree too. I can understand them needing to study for a test at home but the other work should be done at school. It's unbelievable the amount of homework they have to do and their poor backs from the heavy backpacks :(

  5. Poor baby brother, I feel so bad for him. He has almost as much homework as I do for gosh sakes! Just think once summer vacation comes you both can take a big sigh of relief and just relax!!! Not much longer to go.

  6. My grandson who is in the second grade, and attends school in Washington State, he lucked out this year his teacher does not believe in giving homework. My other grandchildren are not so lucky. I too believe they (the teachers) pile way to much homework on the kids now days. Have a good day. Madeline

  7. I also agree with everyone else. I feel that the kids have way to much homework. Society wants them to grow up way to fast. Don't get me wrong, there should be some but 2 hours worth is crazy.
    Hugs and Prayers

  8. Well, I am glad I read all the other comments! My grandkids lived with us a couple of years at one point, and I was totally floored at the amount of homework, about two hours worth, each night. That's ridiculous...and so many say problems start at home, no quality family time together anymore?! How can you?! Dinner, dishes, homework...then bedtime! And oh, multiply that 2 hours times each child that you have! I truly have alot of sympathy for parents these days! Hats off to all of you parents! O.K....I'm done venting!

  9. Oh Anne, bless all of you! I believe that the homework should not start till the Middle School grades. At least by then they are older and more knowledgable! Plus can handle it better!
    In elementary school they are just kids and need their afternoons to be just that "KIDS!"
    Lord help the teachers who get my grandkids. LOL
    BTW THANK YOU so much again for all of the lovely comments you post on my blog. You truly are a beautiful lady! And I too love your music & blog. I can tell you are a very cool Grandma & Mother too!

  10. I am amazed at the amount of homework that my elementary grandchildren have. One of the teachers did eliminate a lot of homework as her daughter began second grade and had an enormous amount of homework. The teacher saw things from a parent's perspective and assigned less work to be completed after school. Also, I am my grandson's Confirmation sponsor. There is a lot of time and work associated with that. It's difficult to arrange my meetings with him as he has a part-time job and homework. I hope that your son is able to have some "fun time."

  11. Anonymous2/22/2009

    I agree with all of you. Learning should be fun. I think to much homework turns these kids off. I am not saying no homework, but I am saying it should be a reasonable amount.

  12. Come visit me on my blog when you get a minute. I have something for ya. <3

  13. Hi, I just came from Charli and Me. I know that sometimes children can be overloaded with schoolwork and catechism, but as they say, "This too shall pass." It's a shame that your son didn't get that chapter book read last week. Perhaps that was what the teacher meant.

  14. Thank you all for your comments. Have a splendid day!


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne