Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tea Cup Collection

I started a tea cup collection and I just wanted to share it with you. This first picture is a tea pot and a tea cup that my Mother-In-Law bought me for my birthday. It is so beautiful and it is the best birthday present I ever got. I was really touched and I will cherish it forever. I think you will agree in how lovely it is. Maybe I'll be able to pass this down to a granddaughter if I ever get one.

This next little cup and sauce is a mini. It has 'April' written in the inside of the cup. That is my birthday month. I just thought it was so cute.

The next two I just loved the flowers on them especially the red and pink roses.

The next one I bought for myself a long time ago. And yes, this is the one you see in the picture of my son's hamster Peek-A-Boo in over at the upper right hand corner of my blog.

This next one I bought a little while ago but it didn't come with a saucer but it's so charming. I showed you a view of the front and the back.

I just love the cooler whether so I can enjoy a nice cup of hot tea at midday to take a break from my housework. It's nice. :-) Do any of you have a tea cup collection? Oh please show me. I would love to see them!


  1. Wow Mom! I didn't realize you had so many of them! you do have quite the collection of tea cups. They are all very pretty. :)

  2. Peek-A-Boo in a teacup...adorable!!

    My mother gave me a teapot that she received as a gift at 16 years old from her eventual mother-in-law. Through the years my father traveled in the Coast Guard and collected teacups from around the world. I do have a nice collection, too, unfortunately they are all packed up as I really have nowhere to display them in my cabin, now. Someday...they will be pulled out of storage and then passed down to my daughters and/or granddaughters. Beautiful collection that you have!

  3. Anonymous10/10/2008

    Oh I just love all of your pretty tea cups and that spoon. It is just adorable!


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne