Over the Christmas holiday I got an IPad II. I wanted to wait for the third one to come out but some of my friends and family had one and I seen how much fun they were having so I couldn't wait and went out and got myself one. I found that app 'Stumble' which I LOVE. You come across so many neat things on the web that you might never see. I've wrote a few posts already asking you to check out a website I came across. Those all came from that Stumble app.
If you don't have an IPad, I noticed that you can view Stumble from your computer. I had a hard time getting logged into Stumble from my computer. Maybe because I already have an account with them from the app. I don't know, I have to look into it when I get more time over my summer break.
But anyways, check it out. This is so cool.
Thanks for dropping by to see me and leaving a nice comment. I will have to see if I can log on to Stumble and check it out.