Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Brother Henry

My brother Henry went on a trip to the desert with one of his pals. He said that he would never go there again. I think it was in Arizona some wheres. I can't remember. It got really hot during the day he said and extremely cold at night. He and his friend camped out there in the desert to. He said that he had encountered so many dangerous animals. Wolves, snakes, cougars and even scorpions! His friend took pics of Henry beings surrounded by all these animals. If Henry's friend wouldn't have shot that safety rocket into the air, my brother Henry would have been a goner. His friend Hank even managed to take Henry's picture. You can see the frightened look upon his face! My brother said that I could put his picture on my blog! If you look closely, you can see my brother Henry with the back pack. Amazing!

See...yet another pic...

Okay, so I fabricated and conjured up some wild tale to you. =) I had to make this post sound interesting.
Really, my son and I have been working on his desert diorama. I thought it turned out rather nice so I wanted to share it with all of my readers. Other students did other habitats for animals, like a forest, jungle or polar.
I'm glad my son got the desert. It seems like it was one of the easy ones. Here are just some of the materials that I found at the craft store.

We got some colored sand, pebbles and glue. The little figures actually came in a little desert set. It was like in a clear tube. The craft store also had other sets with jungle animals and so forth. So I was glad when I found these because I knew that it would make the project.
I was even fortunate enough to find the painted sun as well. The clouds and the blue water was made of felt. I also used some sticks in my back yard to glue here and there.
I even had my son color the back drop to look like sand. Also I had him add the heat wave raze so it looked like he actually did something in his project and not his mother. =) He better get a good grade, lol. This project set me back $14 bucks, lol. I sure hope my sons teacher doesn't read my blog!
So tell me. I had you goin' about my brother Henry huh? Come on....I seeeeeee that smile.
Good night folks!
I'm signing off........from Peek-A-Boo Street!
P.S. Ok the truth. I don't have a brother, lol! Come on. Come on. You know I had you goin'!


  1. Oh Wow! That turned out great! I bet he gets an A+ on that. I really like all of the detail that went into it. laurie

  2. You had me going there for a while. Your sons project turned out real nice. I do hope he gets an A for it. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  3. hehehe that was a great story and the project turned out really nice!

  4. Howdy Anne
    I love diorama's !!!!!
    This was a great post very entertaining .
    Thank you for sharing the photos with us .
    I feel the need to go and create something now :)
    I really should be getting the laundry done .
    Thank you again for the fabulous distraction today .
    Have a blessed weekend .
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  5. Ahhh! Shoot! You got me! What a clever creation.

    Have a beau-TEA-ful weekend.
    TTFN , Hugs, Marydon

  6. Anonymous6/05/2010

    I was thinking, what? You have a brother Henry LOL What a great job! It amazing me all of the work involved in these projects. This one is great ♥


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne