Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Junk or Treasure?

Junk or treasure? That is the question. Hmm. I don't know. I went out thrifty shopping yesterday at a new thrift shop that I found a little ways from home. I know someone who has little cute wine glasses, so I have been on the look out for some smaller wine glasses myself. Well I did come across three sets of different, small wine glasses at this new thrift shop I found. There was a set of four Bohemia Crystal wine glasses for $4.99. Then there was another cute set of 5 for $1.99. There was another set of small wine glasses that were even smaller than the other two sets and they were cute. I forget how much they were though. I didn't want to get all three sets. Well okay, I did, but I couldn't see getting all three sets. Even if I could get all three sets for maybe $10.00, I knew that I had to make a decision. I just hate that feeling when I have to make a decision on purchases. So, I purchased the Bohemia crystal wine glasses. See......

Three of them still had the labels on them. I'm sorry, the flash from the picture kind of washed out the stickers. It says Bohemia crystal from Czechoslovakia. I washed the glasses but kept the stickers on the other three. One label was already off of the glass. It's obvious that someone was just using just that one wine glass.

Also, these wine glasses hold one of those little bottles of wine.

I just love these little individual bottles of wine. If you open up a whole bottle of wine, you can't save it. It does not taste good the next day, whether you put it in the fridge or not. It's just not the same as the day you opened it. So these little bottles are good, if your not having any company.
As you can see, one is missing. That is because I poured it into the glass. So with that, and my glass of wine in hand, I'm going to finish this post and go enjoy a nice glass of red wine before I go to bed.
I did a little bit of research on Bohemia crystal on the Internet and it said that it was the best crystal in the world. Hmm. So what do you think? Junk or treasure?
I'm signing off folks.........from Peek-A-Boo Street!


  1. It's always a treasure if it makes your heart sing. And I think yours is in delight at your new wine glasses. So a toast to the small things in life like wine glasses that hold just the right amount.

  2. Anonymous4/22/2010

    These glasses are so pretty! What a deal. I love them. Those little bottles of wine are cute too ♥

  3. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I vote treasure..those glasses are lovely!

  4. TREASURE!!!
    What gorgeous glasses! Now, I think I'm off to pop a cork myself...
    that sounds wonderful!
    Have a great weekend!!

  5. Hi Anne! I love are too funny! chink* chink* Here's to you!

  6. The wine glasses are treasures for sure Anne!

    Congrats to your son...the party sounds like it will be so much fun!
    Hope you have a great week!
    By the way thanks for stopping by recently and visiting me at my blog :)
    Big Hugs,


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne