Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh My Poor, Poor Head

Hello Everyone! I know it's now way past the holidays, but I do hope each of you had a great Christmas and New Year. I hope that this New Year is shaping up real nice for all of you.
I just want to thank the few who stopped in to say hello and who was hoping all is well.
On the other hand, I was in bed for the five days over the New Years weekend. I started having headaches last fall, just thinking it was my sinuses again with the changing of the seasons. But it persisted on for months. I know. I should have gone to the doctors much sooner, I finally seen the doctor the day before New Years. The doctors told me that it wasn't a sinus problem and that I was suffering from tension headaches. The first medicine did not work for me so I had to try some other medicine which seems to be working much better. The pain in my head finally stopped but I'm having all this tension building in my neck. It's getting better but it's still there toward the second half of the day. I had no idea that this was a tension headache because I never had one. I'm sure my doctor was wondering why I waited so long. I guess because I'm not the one to run to the doctors and be prescribed medicine. I just don't like it. I don't even like to take pain relievers. Most of the time I'll just suffer through the headache. But this time I knew that I didn't have much choice. I just had to get my head to stop hurting. I wouldn't say the tension headaches are completely cured but I am feeling better, thank God.
So that is where I have been. Suffering from this darn tension headache. But like, I said. I am feeling better.
I didn't know if I wanted to post my problems on my blog. I'm not one to really whine about my problems here in blog land. But I just wanted to let you all know that I am not abandoning my blog and I am thinking of all of you. I'm just trying to get these headaches under control. But I hope you all are doing well. Take care.
I'm signing off............from Peek-A-Boo Street
P.S. I stopped drinking coffee. Ugh! I miss my coffee!


  1. Oh, feel better!

    My husband went off all caffeine years ago and his headaches were cured! He hardly ever has one now.

    What about the computer? I notice I have more headaches since being on here more often, and more aches and pains in general in my back and neck. I think I'll be taking a break next month from blogging so much.

    And I'm glad the medication is helping some. I don't like taking anything either but sometimes we have no choice.
    I'll keep you in my prayers. (I think that's the best thing about blogging our problems, whether they are physical or emotional, it gets a host of prayers Heavenward on our behalf, no better medicine than that!).

    All the best to you,

  2. I am so happy to see that you are feeling better, girl! We've missed you! Merry belated Christmas, Happy New Year and all that... hope that you had a wonderful holiday season! :)
    Congrats on giving up coffee too, you are a stronger woman than I! :) *teehee* I definitely have a coffee AdDiCtIon...

  3. Anonymous1/24/2010

    First of all let me just say that I love the new wintery look of your blog. It's beautiful! I hope you headache gets beter soon.I have been praying that it will. We have all missed you here. I don't know if I could give up coffee. That has got to be hard.
    Love, Mom

  4. Anne, it is so good to hear from you again. I was wondering what was wrong. Hope those headaches go away and stay away. I love your new header. Take care and my prayers will be with you. Madeline

  5. Glad you went to the Dr. to get fixed. Hope the medicine works so you have some relief. Sorry about the coffee I know it has to be hard to give up. Take care of yourself and glad you are back. Blessings Stella

  6. Ohh Anne..I a mso sorry to hear that! I usedto suffer from horrible headaches,, so I can relate. After I got a divorce and moved they went away! I swear! ,,Well ..i have to say I do not know what I would do if I had to give up coffee...aieeee! good to hear fro myou. I love that snowy photo

  7. Hey Anne,
    I am glad to hear that you are feeling better with those headaches...I hope that they will continue to improve.
    I know when I've got a headache of any kind, I cannot even look at a computer screen either.

    Thanks for visiting with me, it's great to be in touch...
    By the way....I'm loving your new blog music...Lady Gaga's music is the bomb, I love it...I've got alot of her music on one of my other playlists!

  8. Oh, I almost forgot...
    Big Hugs


I cherish each and every comment. Thanks for visiting Peek-A-Boo Street.
Peace & Love, Anne