Monday, December 7, 2009

The Christmas Carol Movie

My family and I had the opportunity to see Disney's new movie, 'A Christmas Carol' over the Thanksgiving weekend.
I would give this movie five stars. My whole family just loved this time classic movie. And it was such a wonderful family movie. It really does set you in the mood for Christmas.
There were ghosts in the story so it probably wouldn't suit very young children around the age of four, I'd say. Infact, there was a toddler who got scared in the movie theatre who did start to cry.
My husband, teenage son, young son and I went to see the movie and we all just loved it.
The best part of the movie was that it was done in 3-D. I just love movies in 3-D.
When the movie first began, it showed you this old time bay window. It was like you were really looking out onto the streets. And when the snow was falling, it was like you were standing in the middle of a snow storm. All you had to do was reach out your hand. And then when scrooge was flying with one of the ghosts over the city, that was awesome. It felt like you were flying right along side of them. The 3-D effects in this movie really was spectacular. I'd even go see it again.
So I give this movie an awesome rating. If you were thinking of going to this movie during this holiday season, don't hesitate. You and your whole family will be glad you went. And you will walk away thinking what a great movie you just seen.
This is a great way to take a break from all of the hustle and bustle of the season.
I'm signing off.......from Peek-A-Boo Street!


  1. Sounds like it was a good movie. I love 3d movies. I have got all my decorations up. Now I am in the process of baking. Have a great day. Madeline

  2. Sounds like a day together with my granddaughters. Thanks for the review.

  3. Now I want to see it!

  4. Anonymous12/12/2009

    I want to see it too. Now I wish I would have went with you guy's when you asked me. It sounds totally awesome! Love your music, and your blog, but most of all I love you :>)

  5. I was thiningabout going to seee it! thanks Anne!


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Peace & Love, Anne