Sunday, June 27, 2010

All Tuckered Out

This is exactly how I felt this morning when I woke up...

This half deflated balloon was the remnants of my kids birthday and pool party, left over from yesterday's party. (sigh)
Oh my gosh. I was so tired this morning. Last year we got a new pool. So I'd thought I'd throw my son a birthday party this year with a bunch of his pals.
Gee, I didn't realize of the energy and stamina that I would need to get through it. I thought I was prepared and organized and ready for the party. I could have been a little more organized but I just didn't think of all the other issues that would take place.
For one, my husband was sick. So I was stuck hosting the party alone. We had almost ten kids and I had some family there as well. Thank goodness my family members were there to help me because I was really struggling to keep on top of things.
First I was so afraid that the morning rain was going to ruin the party.
Then I had to greet each parent and child as they were arriving.
The kids swam for the first two hours which was some what calm in spite of a boy being stung by a bee, kids having to pour in and out of the house to get changed, and having to some what dry off, to use the rest room. Oh my. We had to put ice on the boys bee sting and call him Mom just so that she was aware of it. A couple of the kids didn't want to swim anymore.
Then I had to serve the pizza. My oldest children picked up the pizza thank goodness because my husband was sick in bed. Of all days. All the kids needed to have their pops opened.
My son opened his gifts. I don't even know who got him what. But we're still sending out thank you cards.
Then we sang him happy birthday and had cake and ice cream. So I had to serve everyone that. Thanks to some of my family who helped me with that. I did get a lot of help from family. But I really needed my husband there but he was ill in bed. I needed him to lean on and it just wasn't going to happen. Because even though their family, their still guests and you don't want to have to have them help with your party. So I felt bad about that.
I was so busy watching the kids in the pool, I couldn't' visit with my family who were present. I could not take my eyes off the kids in the pool. And it was hard when kids would have to go inside to use the restroom.
Then we started the games so that the kids could win their prizes. And one boy slid down the pool latter and hurt his ankle. We had to ice that and call him mom to come pick him up. So the games had to stop because we had to deal with that. I called his Mom this morning and she said that he's doing fine.
Then we started them back up again. And the party really started to get fun again with that. The kids swam for the last 15 minutes while waiting to be picked up. So again, you had to greet the parents, get address for thank you cards, make sure kids got all of their belongings and loot bags and pixie sticks. Oh my.
There was a point in the party when I felt like I was being pulled in a million directions. I just wanted to burst into tears. I tried to wake up hubby because I needed help so desperately. But he was out like a light. But when I got back outside. I was better.
Oh did I tell you that I had a big graduation party for my oldest son last weekend? Oh dear. No wonder I had a headache today. I couldn't sleep in, I had to go to church this morning.
It's a rainy day today. All is calm. House and yard are trashed but the hard work is done.
Will I ever do the pool party thing again? I don't know. It was a lot of work. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but let me tell you. My son and his pals all had a fabulous time. They are oblivious to how the hostess feels. My son got a lot of nice gifts from his friends and family. So we got to get our thank you cards out to them as well. Looking back, there are a lot of things that I could have done differently. If I do this again, I will have to remember those things. I did the best I could. I have to leave it at that.
And this is how I'm ending my day on this rainy evening...

This tea, never tasted better. It's was exactly what I needed. So warm and tasty. Ahhh. No more parties for awhile. And NO cake! Have a wonderful and restful Sunday evening.
I'm signing off..............from Peek-A-Boo Street!


  1. well I'm glad they had fun but I'm sorry you got so frazzled :(

  2. I know all your guests had fun and in a couple day when you recover I am sure you will find you made some great memories for your son. I bet the kids will all want to do it again next year.

  3. Anonymous6/29/2010

    You give the best parties in the whole world. You gave Ryan a memorie he will never forget. I don't know how you gave those parties back to back. That tea tray sure looks good. I just love your little tea bell. I hope you have a great week.

  4. After two parties I don't blame you for being worn out. Hope your husband is feeling better. I love the tea set. Take care and have a blessed day. Madeline


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Peace & Love, Anne